Parking, Lodging & Travel

Health Connections

Health Connections is a regional medical travel assistance program implemented by four regional health authorities which provides transportation options to help reduce costs for rural residents.

Health Connections - Province of British Columbia (
Hope Air

Hope Air is a national charity offering free travel and accommodations for Canadians in financial need who must access medical care far from home.

Medical Travel Assistance Program | Hope Air

The Travel Assistance Program (TAP BC) helps alleviate some of the transportation costs for eligible BC residents who must travel within the province for non-emergency medical specialist services not available in their own community.

Travel Assistance Program (TAP BC) - Province of British Columbia (

The BC Family Residence Program provides accommodation assistance to enable families to stay together when their child requires medical care at BC Children’s Hospital or Sunny Hill Centre for Children, including premature babies and newborns with other health concerns.
Enhanced travel assistance is also provided through ground transportation for children and air transportation for patients of all ages.

BC Family Residence Program - Province of British Columbia (